Special Offers

Ongoing Promotions

New Clients

First Visit- $50 Examination Fee

Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer
Mention web offer to receive the discount
Coupon only applies to first time customers

Client Referral

$25.00 off any service

Valid only for existing clients
Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer
Coupon applies to all customers

Senior Citizens and Local Area Rescue Groups

10% discount

 Must be approved ahead of time
Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer
Mention web offer to receive the discount
Coupon applies to all customers with a valid ID

Military, Police, Fire Department, and EMS

15% discount

Active Duty and Retirees
Coupon cannot be combined with any other offer
Mention web offer to receive the discount
Coupon applies to all customers with a valid ID